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Chapman, R. E. | Colwell, P. F.
Economics of Protection Against Progressive Collapse. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBSIR 74-542, September 1974,
Available from National Technical Information Service
buildings; loads (forces); collapse; damage assessment; casualties; walls; bearing strength; benefit cost analysis
progressive collapse; bearing walls; abnormal loads; sensitivity analysis
Public and government concern about the progressive collapse of buildings caused by abnormal loading has resulted in the development of draft standards to provide protection against progressive collapse. From society's viewpoint, standards for protection against progressive collapse should result in a level of protection which is more efficient (i.e., the net social benefits from protection should be increased). An economic model utilizing the principles of benefit-cost analysis is developed which establishes a methodology for determining the efficiency of various levels of protection against progressive collapse. An application of the model to a partial evaluation of a specific standard demonstrates some of the capabilities of the model. Recommendations are made for a complete evaluation of this standard and for the further refinement of the model.