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Paulsen, T. | Soma, H. | Schneider, V. | Wiklund, J. | Lovas, G.
Evaluation of Simulation Models of Evacuation From Complex Spaces.
SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway
STF75 A95020, June 1995, 343 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
evacuation | evaluation | simulation | validation
Currently safe evacuation from buildings is provided mainly by prescription, in regulation and codes, of adequate means of escape, e.g., by specifying requirements for protected routes for escape and maximum escape distances. However, this approach to evacuation safety has several drawbacks; it is inflexible and some time insensitive for the real evacuation problems. A more fundamental approach to evacuation of people from buildings is therefore needed. One approach to the design and verification of evacuation safety that hold promises is the use of computerbased simulation models of evacuation. However, the validity of such tools are still a question. The objectiveof the ESECX Project was therefore to evaluate different simulation models of evacuation.