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Leasure, W. A., Jr. | Quindry, T. L. | Mathews, D. E. | Heinen, J. M.
Interior/Exterior Noise Levels of Over-the-Road Trucks: Report of Tests. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
NBS TN 737, September 1972,
Available from National Technical Information Service
trucks; vehicle noise; noise pollution; engine noise; acoustic measurement; noise reduction; human factors engineering
DOT/4DZ/DB; DOT/5B; noise levels; interior noise; exterior noise
This report presents the results of interior and exterior noise measurements which were made on a representative sample of fifteen over-the-road trucks under various operational modes. In-cab measurements were made six inches from the right and left ears of the driver with windows open and closed. Simultaneous exterior measurements were made utilizing a six-microphone array. Graphic histories of A-weight sound level versus time are presented for all test conditions and microphone locations. The National Bureau of Standards made the field measurements and tabulated the data; however, interpretation of the results is the responsibility of the Department of Transportation and the American Trucking Associations -- the joint sponsors of the study.