- Author
- Cho, C. P. | Kim, H. Y. | Yoon, S. S.
- Title
- Interaction of the Burning Spherical Droplets in Oxygen-Enriched Turbulent Environment.
- Coporate
- Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, 305-343, Republic of Korea Korea University, Seoul, 136-701, Republic of Korea
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 1, 14-24, January 2009
- Keywords
- droplets | combustion | oxygen | oxygen enriched environment | equations | vapor phases | liquid phases | turbulent combustion | combustion models | validation | heptane | mole fractions
- Identifiers
- droplet interaction; oxygen mole-fraction; droplet inter-space distance; interfacial boundary conditions; variation of adiabatic flame temperature with oxygen mole-fraction; model results compared to previous research for Re = 40; effect of oxygen mole-fraction on a single burning heptane droplet; heptane: effects of streamwise inter-space distance (X); heptane: effect of the spanwise distance (Y and Z)