- Author
- Hirschler, M. M.
- Title
- New NFPA Proposed Guide for Identification and Development of Mitigation Strategies for Fire Hazard to Occupants of Road Vehicles.
- Coporate
- GBH International, Mill Valley, CA
- Book or Conf
- Fire and Materials 2005. 9th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 31-February 1, 2005, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 457-468 p., 2005
- Keywords
- fire research | automobiles | motor vehicles | fire hazards | identification | mitigation | NFPA 556 | occupants | automobile fires | fire statistics | ignition | scenarios | fuel tanks | pool fires
- Identifiers
- FMVSS 302; fires starting inside the passenger compartment; fires starting in the engine compartment and penetrating into the passenger compartment; engine cover or bulkhead; ductwork; windshield; fires starting in the trunk or load carrying area; pool fires resulting from fuel tank failure and burning under the vehicle; fires resulting from other external heat sources; fires in USS 1980-1998: yearly average; highway vehicle fires in the USA by ignition factor between 1994 and 1998; distribution of loss data by ignition factor