FireDOC Search

Hirschler, M. M.
New NFPA Proposed Guide for Identification and Development of Mitigation Strategies for Fire Hazard to Occupants of Road Vehicles.
GBH International, Mill Valley, CA
Book or Conf
Fire and Materials 2005. 9th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 31-February 1, 2005, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 457-468 p., 2005
fire research | automobiles | motor vehicles | fire hazards | identification | mitigation | NFPA 556 | occupants | automobile fires | fire statistics | ignition | scenarios | fuel tanks | pool fires
FMVSS 302; fires starting inside the passenger compartment; fires starting in the engine compartment and penetrating into the passenger compartment; engine cover or bulkhead; ductwork; windshield; fires starting in the trunk or load carrying area; pool fires resulting from fuel tank failure and burning under the vehicle; fires resulting from other external heat sources; fires in USS 1980-1998: yearly average; highway vehicle fires in the USA by ignition factor between 1994 and 1998; distribution of loss data by ignition factor