- Author
- Becker, W. E., Jr. | Clayton, J. W., Jr. | Emmons, H. W. | Fristrom, R. M. | Glassman, I. | Graham, D. L. | McDonald, D. W. | Nadeau, H. G. | Lyons, J. W.
- Title
- Fire Research on Cellular Plastics: The Final Report of the Products Research Committee.
- Coporate
- Mobay Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, PA Arizona Univ., Tuscon Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD Princeton Univ., NJ Dow Chemical, Walnut Creek, CA Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO Upjohn Co., North Haven, CT National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Report
- Final Report, April 1980, 217 p.
- Keywords
- cellular plastics | fire research | fire science | small scale fire tests | health hazards | combustion products
- Abstract
- The Products Research Committee (PRC) was formed to administer a trust fund established in a consent order signed in 1974 by the Federal Trade Commission and twenty-five respondents involved in the manufacture and sale of cellular plastics or ingredients of cellular plastics. The purpose of the trust was to coordinate and to manage research to improve the understanding of the behavior in fire of cellular plastics, and to provide improved practices for the testing and use of such products, also in terms of their behavior in fire. The PRC was established for a five year period and given a total of five million dollars. Trustees were selected from academe, government, and industry, representing expertise in the scientific, engineering, and commercial aspects of cellular plastics. The PRC decided to conduct its research program through grants in selected problem areas. Requests for proposals elicited sufficient response that the PRC was able to choose from among a variety of excellent proposals. The PRC interests were classified in four research categories: fundamental research, small-scale tests, large-scale tests, and toxicity testing. The PRC also urges voluntary standards groups such as the American Society for Testing Materials and the National Fire Protection Association to review the test methods commended to their attention in this report for appropriate action. [NOTE: Materials Bank Compendium of Fire Property Data. February 1980. Products Research Committee.]