- Author
- Gutierrez, J. | Bollero, A. | Hoyning, B. | McGeorge, D. | Gibson, G. | Wright, P.
- Title
- Fire Performance of Naval Composite Structures.
- Coporate
- DCN, France CETENA, Italy FiReCo., Norway Det Norske Veritas, Norway Newcastle Univ., UK
- Book or Conf
- Fire and Materials 2005. 9th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 31-February 1, 2005, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 425-438 p., 2005
- Keywords
- fire research | structures | fire behavior | ships | composite materials | fire severity | fire tests | fire propagation | fire resistance tests | cone calorimeters
- Identifiers
- naval vessels; superstructures of a frigate-sized vessel; small scale fire reaction and fire resistance tests; full scale fire propagation test on a 6-meter long composite corridor; military and commercial vessels