FireDOC Search

National Fire Protection Association
Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings. NFPA Ready Reference.
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
RRHIRISE03, 2003, 268 p.
high rise buildings | fire safety | occupants | fire protection | fire statistics | stairways | fire departments | human factors engineering | evacuation | education | building collapse | World Trade Center | communication networks | survivability | hotels | regulations | case histories | arson | colleges | students | cigarettes | smoking
overview and statistics; case studies and incidents
This substantive overview provides you with comprehensive subject-specific data, case histories, and related background on the unique fire safety challenges of high-rise buildings. Facilities managers, building officials, fire inspectors, and fire and life safety educators will benefit from valuable targeted facts and figures from a variety of respected industry sources, including: (*) Statistical analysis of fires in high-rise occupancies; (*) Fire Protection Handbook chapter "Occupancies in Special Structures and High-Rise Buildings" ; (*) Case histories of high-rise fires from FireWatch (NFPA JournalĀ®); (*) Selected NFPA Journal articles and (*) Fire investigation reports.