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DiDomenico, M. | Gerlinger, P. | Aigner, M.
Development and Validation of a New Soot Formation Model for Gas Turbine Combustor Simulations.
DLR-German Aerospace Centre, 70659 Stuttgart, Germany
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 2, 246-258, February 2010
soot formation | gas turbine combustor | diffusion flames | premixed flames | simulation | equations | formulation | combustion chemistry | temperature | soot | particles | ethylene | kerosene | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PAH sectional approach; finite-rate chemistry; soot particle dynamics; chemical kinetics mechanisms used; overview of PAH source terms and their use in the PAH transport equations; constants used in the soot formation model; boundary conditions for the methane/air flame; boundary conditions for the ethylene/air flame; boundary conditions for the simulation of the kerosene surrogate/air flame