FireDOC Search

Lambright, J. A. | Daniel, S. L. | Brosseau, D.
Analysis of Core Damage Frequency Due to a Fire at the Savannah River K-Reactor.
Lawrence Livermore Lab., CA
SAND-89-1786, January 1991, 176 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
nuclear reactor fires | risk assessment | fire risk | damage
probabilistic risk assessment (PRAs)
In keeping with the philosophy of the external events analyses for NUREG-1150, which are intended to be "smart" PRAs making full use of all insights gained during the past 10 hears of development in risk assessment methodologies, the Savannah River K-Reactor fire analysis was performed using newly developed and simplified methods. These methods have been under development at Sandia National Laboratories under sponsorship of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Divison of Risk Assessment as part of the Dependent Failure Methodology Development Program. A detailed screening analysis was performed which showed most plant areas had a negligible contribution to fire-induced core damage frequency. Detailed analysis of the fire risk resulted in a total (mean) core damage frequency of 1.35E-7 per year.