- Author
- Schneider, U. | Lebeda, C. | Max, U.
- Title
- Entrauchung von grossen Geschossflachen und unterirdischen Parkdecks. [Smoke Venting of Large Storeys and Underground Car-Parks.]
- Journal
- VFDB, Vol. 4, 138-149, November 1994
- Keywords
- smoke vents | garages | automobiles | venting
- Abstract
- ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH The smoke venting of buildings by mechanic smoke vents gains more importance, because natural smoke vents by RWA-devices or outlets are not possible in most large buildings or car-parks. In this report is shown which theoretical methods are existing to achieve a realistic rating for mechanic smoke vents in such cases. Hereby the extimated fire capacities and the size of the seat of fire are important beside the existing geometry of the building. In car-parks with low ceilings the smoke clearing can only be guarateed, if comparable large air-circulation figures can be achieved. For large storeys (smoke areas of about 2000 qm) a theoretical rating advice is given, which is on the safe side.