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Burns, M. | Cavage, W. M.
Description and Analysis of the FAA Onboard Oxygen Analysis System.
Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ
Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
DOT/FAA/AR-TN03/52, July 2003, 28 p.
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oxygen analysis | failure modes | aircraft fuel tanks | inerting | oxygen concentration | flight tests | reliability
Onboard Oxygen Analysis System (OBOAS); Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA); system interface; system description; system operation; failure mode effects criticality analysis
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is planning a series of ground and flight tests with Airbus to prove the concept of a simplified fuel tank inerting system developed by the FAA. To determine the effectiveness of the inerting system, the oxygen concentration will be measured at eight locations in the fuel tank, utilizing two 4-channel sample trains with in-line oxygen analyzers. The onboard oxygen analysis system (OBOAS) design is based on sound principals and engineering practices. This system is essentially the same system employed on previous flight tests with the Boeing Company to examine the concept of ground-based inerting. To allow for the smooth installation and operation of the system on the Airbus flight test aircraft, it is critical to document how the system works, how to interface with the system, and how to operate the system. It is also critical to document known failure modes of the OBOAS to better allow the owner/operator of the flight test aircraft to assess the risk of installing and operating the system on the aircraft. This report documents how the OBOAS operates, details the system interfaces, explains system operation, and gives a system-level failure mode effects criticality analysis (FMECA).