FireDOC Search

Yang, J. C. | Donnelly, M. K. | Grosshandler, W. L.
Fire Suppression Efficiency Screening Method.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Partners in Environmental Technology. 3rd Annual SERDP Symposium. Proceedings. Technical Session No. 18. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). December 3-5, 1997, Washington, DC, 14-14 p., 1997
fire suppression | halon alternatives
Most of the current methods for fire suppression efficiency screening (e.g., cup burners) are designed for screening agents that can be delivered in the form of vapor. The search for alternatives to halons for fire suppression applications has identified several classes of condensed-phase compounds that may be delivered in the form of droplets or aerosols. The objective of this work is to design and build a bench-scale apparatus suitable for evaluating fire suppression efficiencies of these new advanced liquid agents. Five important design attributes have been considered during the inception of the apparatus: (1) applicability, (2) amenable to analysis, (3) repeatability, (4) flexibility, and (5) operability. There are three major parts to the apparatus: (1) burner, (2) flow facility, and (3) droplet/aerosol generator.