- Author
- Schneider, U. | Lebeda, C. | Kersken-Bradley, M.
- Title
- Bemessungsregeln fur maschinelle Rauchabzuge nach DIN 18232 Teil 5. [Rules for Calculating Mechanical Smoke Outlets According to DIN 18232 Part 5.]
- Journal
- VFDB, Vol. 4, 157-160, November 1994
- Keywords
- smoke vents | industrial buildings | high rise buildings
- Abstract
- ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH This essay is about the results of a research programme of mechanical smoke outlets in industrial buildings and similar tall buildings. Base of this work were many calculations with the multi room calculating programme MRFC version 1.0, where the fumigating time and development of temperature in large fire sections were calculated for different geometric figures, ventilation conditions and fire sceneries. The given side conditions for the calculation are discussed with the members of the Norm-Committee DIN 18232 par 5, so that a part of the practical interesting cases are covered by the chosen parameter spectrum. The calculations have shown that in fire sections > 1600 qm, for a limited period of time, smoke free areas by mechanic smoke outlets are possible. The supply of cold air has to be made in smoke free zones. That means, that the air should not mix with the layer of smoke gas. Because of the results a suitable calculation scheme for MA-calculation was worked on. The determined results are less than former published proposals. Especially was found out that the estimated gas temperature of smoke outlets is much lower than assumed. The calculation scheme provides secure ventilation rates of mechanic smoke outletson the base of a selected parameter section.