- Author
- Peacock, R. D.
- Title
- Tests of Two Single Drawer Destruct Cabinets Submitted by the Naval Ordance Station, Indian Head, Maryland.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- FR 3560, December 4, 1985, 65 p.
- Distribution
- Keywords
- test fires
- Abstract
- The Naval Ordance Station in Indian Head, Maryland (NOS), requested that the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) conduct special tests to evaluate the safety of two classified document destroyers. In accordance with test plans developed jointly by NOS, NBS, and the Navy Environmental Health Center (NAVENVIRHLTHCEN), two tests of a Single Drawer Destruct Cabinet (SDDC) were conducted to determine minimum safe clearances between the SDDC and combustible materials, and to measure levels of several combustion products in the room where the test was conducted. The results of these tests are reported herein.