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Earl, W. L. | Parrish, F. W.
Cross Polarization-Magic Angle Sample Spinning NMR Study of Several Crystal Forms of Lactose.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD Dept. of Agriculture, New Orleans, LA
Carbohydrate Research, Vol. 115, No. 1, 23-32, 1983
acids | cross polarization
Five different crystalline forms of lactose were investigated using cross polarization-magic angle sample spinning 13C (CP-MAS) NMR. Both the anhydrous beta-lactose and the alpha-lactose monohydrate structures are known from x-ray diffraction studies and the CP-MAS NMR data agree with those structures. The structure of the stable anhydrous alpha-lactose has not been reported. The CP-MAS NMR results indicate that the crystal must have two or more lactose molecules per unit cell. The chemical shifts measured for two mixed crystals with alpha:beta ratios of 5:3 and 4:1 are a direct result of the fact that both materials are real mixed crystals rather than physical mixtures of crystals of pure alpha- and beta-lactose. The chemical shifts also indicate that the lactose molecules in both mixed crystals are in environments similar to the crystalline environment of the stable anhydrous alpha-lactose.