- Author
- Cheney, P. | Gould, J. | McCaw, L.
- Title
- Dead-Man Zone: A Neglected Area of Firefighter Safety.
- Coporate
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia Department of Conservation and Land Management, Manjimup, WA
- Journal
- Australian Forestry, Vol. 64, No. 1, 45-50, 2001
- Keywords
- fire fighters | fire safety | forestry | forest fires | fire fighting | refuge | case histories | fire behavior | fire spread | wind direction | egress | brush fires | fire fatalities | fire danger rating
- Identifiers
- Australia; Grays Point Fire, New South Wales, January 9, 1983; Johnstones Creek Fire, New South Wales, January 1, 1998; Linton Fire, Geelong, Victoria, December 2, 1998; Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI); Deadman Zone: the distance (m) a line fire can travel in five minutes; safe distance for indirect attack; development of a fire from a line