FireDOC Search

Gross, D.
Fourteenth Bi-Annual Meeting of CIB Commission W-14 (Fire) May 19-23, 1980. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBSIR 80-2146, October 1980, 60 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
buildings | building codes | education | fire endurance | fire losses | fire models | fire safety | fire tests | smoke control
A summary is presented of the discussions during the 14th Meeting of CIB Commission W-14 on Fire in Athens, Greece. A total of 48 delegates from 14 countries exchanged information on building fire safety during Group and Plenary Meetings covering the following topics: building codes; fire costs; fire loss statistics; fire engineering education; structural fire protection (including material properties, classification of structures, calculation rules, and full-scale fire tests); smoke control and emission; and mathematical modeling. Three workshops are planned during 1981 to cover the topics "Fire Safety Design," "Fire Engineering Education" and "Modeling of Fires." A list of papers circulated to delegates during the last two years is included for reference.