- Author
- Comartin, C. D. | Greene, M. | Tubbesing, S. K.
- Title
- Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake, January 17, 1995. Great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster. Preliminary Reconnaissance Report.
- Coporate
- Earthquake Engineering Research Inst., Oakland, CA
- Sponsor
- Earthquake Engineering Research Inst., Oakland, CA National Science Foundation, Washington, DC Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC
- Report
- EERI Publication 95-04, Feburary 1995, 126 p.
- Keywords
- earthquakes | death | injuries | damage | architecture | transportation | lifelines
- Identifiers
- Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake (Kobe), Great Hanshin Disaster, Japan, January 17, 1995; geoscience and geotechnical aspects; architectural and planning background; transportation structures; lifelines; emergency response; fire related aspects; societal impacts; shelter, housing, and other recovery issues; economic impacts