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Dotto, L., Editor
Book or Conf
Planet Earth in Jeopardy: Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War, Wiley (John) & Sons, New York, NY, Dotto, L., Editors, 134 p., 1986
nuclear winter
This book is based on a 2-volume technical monograph entitled, "The Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War. Part 1. Physical and Atmospheric Effects"; and "The Environmental Consequesnces of Nuclear War. Part 2. Ecological and Agricultural Effects", published in 1985 by John Wiley and Sons. The principal authors were T. P. Ackerman, P. J. Crutzen, M. A. Harwell, T. P. Hutchinson, M. C. MacCracken, A. B. Pittock, C. S. Shapiro and R. P. Turco. The author of this volume, Lydia Dotto, was commissioned by an international scientific committee to write a popular account of the larger study, the objective being to reach the widest possible audience. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that this book is intended to provide an overview of two larger and more detailed scientific volumes and is necessarily written in a much less technical style for the benefit of lay readers. Thus, it is not possible to include all of the detailed chains of reasoning, subtleties of emphasis and shadings of meaning that are contained in the 2-volume report. However, this book is intended to reflect the overall sense of those volumes.