- Author
- Mikkola, E. | Kallonen, R.
- Title
- Cone Calorimeter Experiments.
- Coporate
- VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
- Book or Conf
- European Research in Industrial Fires, 2nd Seminar. Proceedings. A Seminar Within the European Communities Research Program on Major Industrial Hazards. May 16-19, 1994, Cadarache, France, 1-14 p., 1994
- Keywords
- cone calorimeters | experiments | ventilation | FT-IR | toxicity | LC-50 | ignition time | heat release rate | smoke production | combustion
- Identifiers
- STEP project - "Combustion of Chemical Substances and the Impact on the Environment of the Fire Products"; ventilation controlled cone calorimeter; FTIR method for smoke gases; substances/products tested; time to ignition data; rate of heat release (60 s average) results; smoke production results; CO₂/CO ratios at standard and ventilation controlled cone calorimeter; toxicity index FED values at standard and ventilation controlled cone calorimeter; LC50 values in g/m³; environment/TOXFIRE