FireDOC Search

Kitajima, A. | Hatanaka, T. | Takeuchi, M. | Torikai, H. | Miyadera, T.
Experimental Study of PAH Formation in Laminar Counterflow CH4-N2/O2-NE and C3H8-N2/O2-N2 Nonpremixed Flames.
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 142, No. 1/2, 72-88, July 2005
laminar flames | counterflow flames | nonpremixed flames | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon | gas chromatography | mass spectroscopy | combustion | fuels | equations
stoichiometric mixture fraction; experimental conditions of the stoichiometric mixture fraction, the molar stoichiometry, and the mass fraction of the reactants in the initial flow examined in the present study; estimated location of the stagnation plane in mixture fraction space; species quantified in the present study; experimental strain rate and molar stoichiometry in the present study; stoichiometric mixture fraction and N2 in molar stoichiometry estimated from the experimental condition; estimated amount of the fuel supplied to the reaction zone during the sampling time of Case A flames; estimated amount of the fuel supplied to the reaction zone during the sampling time of Case B flames; estimated amount of the fuel supplied to the reaction zone during the sampling time of Case C flames