- Author
- Stevens, M. R. | Fisher, H. D. | Breen, B. P.
- Title
- Investigation of Materials Combustibility, Fire and Explosion Suppression in a Variety of Atmospheres. Final Report. November 15, 1964-December 30, 1967.
- Coporate
- Dynamic Science Corp., Monrovia, CA
- Sponsor
- Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Report
- AFAPL-TR-68-35, May 1968, 103 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- AF-33-615-2257
- Keywords
- combustibility | controlled atmospheres | spacecraft | ignition | explosions | simulation | flame propagation | fire extinguishers | burning rate | test methods | fire safety | weightlessness | explosion suppression | cabin atmospheres
- Identifiers
- materials flammability
- Abstract
- Combustibility studies of materials of construction employed in space flight vehicle cabins have been carried out as a function of various simulated cabin atmospheric environments. Phase 1 was directed at defining the spontaneous ignition temperature of the individual materials under dynamic atmospheric conditions for various atmospheres. Phase 2 centered about the burning characteristics of the respective materials as a function of atmopsheric and gravitational environments. Phase 3 focused upon the flame spread behavior of the materials, under the influence of various atmospheric environments and in the presence of Halon 1301 flame extinguishant. Detailed analyses of the work clearly show the dependency of the combustion behavior of the materials upon the atmopsheric environment utilized.