- Author
- Lonnermark, A. | Blomqvist, P. | Mansson, M. | Persson, H.
- Title
- TOXFIRE: Fire Characteristics and Smoke Gas Analysis in Under-Ventilated Large-Scale Combustion Experiments. Storage Configuration Tests.
- Coporate
- Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
- Report
- SP REPORT 1996:46, 1996, 60 p.
- Keywords
- combustion | experiments | smoke | gas analysis | storage | ventilation | fire chemistry | combustion products | FT-IR
- Identifiers
- combustion of chemicals; oxygen depleted conditions; equivalence ratio; fire characteristics; FTIR on-line mesurements
- Abstract
- In the CEC project Guidelines for Management of Fires in Chemical Warehouses, TOXFIRE (EV5V-CT93-0275), carried out by a consortium of seven European partners, SP performed controlled large-scale combustions on amounts in the 100 kg range. The main part of the SP tests were carried outin the ISO 9705 room. This report describes combustion experiments performed in a 256 m³ test enclosure, large enough to allow the samples to be burned in a real size storage configuration. The materials studied were, as in the ISO 9705 room test series, polypropene, Nylon, chlorobenzene, chloro-nitro-benzoic acid and tetramethylthiuram monosulfide. A special instrument, a phi-meter, was build and used to measure the equivalence ratio, a measure of the degree of ventilation. The objective of these tests was to explore the influence of the combustion cinfiguration on the fire characteristics, in particular on the nature of the combustion products.