FireDOC Search

Shoub, H.
Fire Endurance of Partitions and Roof Decks of Fire-Retardant Treated and Untreated Wood.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS 9586, October 5, 1967, 25 p.
AVAILABLE FROM: National Archives, Civilian Records, Room 2800, 8601 Adelphia Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, Telephone: 301-713-7230
Fire endurance tests were performed at the National Bureau of Standards on wood-framed gypsum board partitions and all wood plank-and-beam roof decks. Some of the specimens were made with fire-retardant-treated wood, which, however, did not prevent their participation in the fire to which they were exposed and did not measurably enhance their fire endurance (as distinguished from flame spread) properties over those of structures of untreated wood similarly made and tested. The one-hour fire resistance rating previously established for partitions of 5/8-in. gypsum board was confirmed for structures with both treated and untreated framing. The 2-in. thick plank roof decks failed under the applied loads and also by flame penetration in less than an hour. As the roof decks were shown to contribute significant heat to the test fire, consideration was given to the extent of this contribution, and to the validity of comparing fire tests of structures of noncombustible materials with those that are combustible.