FireDOC Search

Bryson, J. O. | Gross, D.
Techniques for the Survey and Evaluation of Live Floor Loads and Fire Loads in Modern Office Buildings.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS 9698; NBS BSS 016, December 1968, 64 p.
AVAILABLE FROM: National Archives, Civilian Records, Room 2800, 8601 Adelphia Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, Telephone: 301-713-7230
office buildings; fire load
The procedure and techniques developed for measuring and evaluating the live floor loads and fire loads in modern office buildings are summarized. A computer program is described which provides a tabulation of the data, some statistical properties, and selected graphical relationships between the measured loads and the characteristics and usage of the structure. A rationale is developed which is intended to achieve the ultimate goal--easier and less expensive means of surveying live loads in buildings and their combustible content. Two office buildings have been surveyed in a pilot evaluation of the survey techniques--the NBS Administration Building in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the U. S. Civil Service Commission Building in downtown Washington, DC. Typical results are presented to illustrate the computer output.