FireDOC Search

Grayson, S. J. | VanHees, P. | Green, A. M. | Breulet, H. | Vercellotti, U.
Assessing the Fire Performance of Electric Cables (FIPEC).
Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England Fire Testing Technology Ltd., UK ISSeP, Belgium CESI, Italy
Book or Conf
Fire and Materials 2001. 7th International Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings. Interscience Communications Limited. January 22-24, 2001, San Antonio, TX, 1-21 p., 2001
electrical cables | small scale fire tests | cone calorimeters | heat release rate | scenarios | reproductibility | standards
flame spread characteristics in real scale tests; parameters measured in some of the real scale tests; suggested class limits based on peak heat release rate and total heat release; suggested class limits based on peak smoke production rate and total smoke production