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National Bureau of Standards
Survey of Life-Cycle Costing Practices of Federal Agencies. (Preliminary Draft for Review).
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Preliminary Draft for Review, August 15, 1977, 129 p.
costs | surveys | cost effectiveness | building design | conservation
On July 20, 1977, President Carter signed Executive Order 12003, "Relating to Energy Policy and Conservation." This Executive Order requires each executive agency that now maintains existing buildings to submit to the Administrator of the FEA a ten-year plan designed to the maximum extent practicable to meet specified goals for energy conservation in Federal buildings. The goals are by 1985 to achieve a reduction of 20 percent of the average annual energy use per gross square foot of floor area for the total of all Federally-owned existing buildings, and a reduction of 45 percent, for the total of all Federally-owned new buildings. The 1985 reductions are to be based on the average annual energy use in 1975. The ten year plans are to consider only those improvements that are cost effective, and the highest priority is to be given the most cost-effective projects.