- Author
- U.S. Department of Energy
- Title
- Technical Safety Appraisal of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1, Elk Hills, California.
- Coporate
- Department of Energy, Washington, DC
- Report
- DOE/EH-0134, February 1990, 94 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- safety evaluation | petroleum | crude oil | natural gas | pipelines | performance evaluation | fire protection | management
- Identifiers
- Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-), Elk Hills, California; Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2, Buena Vista Hills, California; production of oil and gas; tank settings; gas and oil/water gathering pipelines; gas plants; compressor facilities
- Abstract
- This report presents the results of a focused Technical Safety Appraisal (TSA) of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1), Elk Hills, California, conducted during November 27 through December 8, 1989. The Department of Energy (DOE) program organization responsible for NPR-1 is the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy (FE); the responsible Field Office is the Naval Petroleum Reserves California (NPRC) Office. This appraisal is an application of the program that was initiated in 1985 to strengthen the DOE Environment, Safety and Health Program. The appraisal was conducted by the staff of the DOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health (EH), Office ofSafety Appraisals, with support from experts in specific appraisal areas, including a number from the petroleum industry, and a liaison representative from FE. The Senior EH Manager for the appraisal was Mr. Robert Barber, Acting Director, Office ofCompliance Programs; the Team Leader was Dr. Owen Thompson, Office of Safety Appraisals.