FireDOC Search

Tuovinen, H. | VanHees, P. | Axelsson, J. | Karlsson, B.
Implementation of a Physical Flame Spread Model in the SOFIE CFD Model.
SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
SP Report 1999:32; Brandforsk Project 307-971, 1999, 45 p.
For more information contact: SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Box 857, SE-501 15 BORAS, Sweden. Telephone: +46 33 16 50 00, Fax: +46 33 13 55 02, Email: Website:
flame spread | computational fluid dynamics | fire models | pyrolysis models | sensitivity analysis | zone models
Simulation Of Fires in Enclosures (SOFIE)
A physical flame spread model for the prediction of flame spread has been studied and implemented for use inside the CFD code SOFIE. Before this implementation a sensitivity study of the pyrolysis model which formed the main body in the physical flame spread model was performed varying different input parameters for the model. This revealed that parameters such as thermal conductivity, pyrolysis temperature, and heat of pyrolysis seemed to have most influence on the prediction results. It was observed that caution should be taken when choosing to use either the charring or non-charring mode of the model. The project also developed a simple procedure to obtain the material parameters as input to the physical flame spread model by means of cone calorimeter data. It is concluded that a more automatic calculation module is necessary and the possibility of use of other methods such as TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) should be investigated in order to facilitate the determination of the input parameters when setting up an automatic input parameter determination. The physical model has been validated by means of cone calorimeter test results, a newly developed stand-alone vertical flame spread model and a simple run inside the CFD code S0FIE. It is observed that more extensive work for optimising the implementation of the physical flame spread model is necessary. This work will be performed within the SOFIE consortium with the latest version of SOFIE. In addition, a number of future feasibility studies are suggested which are necessary in order to validate and further develop the flame spread routines.