FireDOC Search

Darwin, R. L. | Williams, F. W.
Review of the Performance of AFFF Systems Serving Helicopter Decks on U.S. Navy Surface Combatants. Final Report.
Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
NRL/MR/6180-01-8546, April 23, 2001, 18 p.
helicopters | flight decks | extinguishment | JP-5 jet fuels | pool fires | fire suppression | extinguishment times | aqueous films | aqueous foams | fire hoses | fire fighting | nozzles
The Navy experienced two disastrous conflagrations on aircraft carrier flight decks in the late 1960s (Forrestal in July 1967 and Enterprise in January 1969). One of the primary Lessons Learned from these incidents was the need to upgrade fire fighting capability on flight decks. Enhanced fire fighting was achieved by the installation of AFFF systems on all carrier flight decks in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the concept was extended to flight decks of other large aviation ships and ultiiately to helo decks on frigates, destroyers and cruisers. Numerous large-scale fire tests were conducted to establish the design parameters for these systems. During the period 14-16 September 1999, the CNO Surface Ship Aviation Working Group met in Norfolk, VA. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate potential manpower reductions in support of flight quarters on combatant ships. The possibility of relaxing the minimum number of personnel assigned to helo deck hose teams was one of the items under discussion. During deliberations on this issue, it became apparent that fleet personnel were unaware of the capability of the existing AFFF systems installed on helo decks. It was concluded that a better understanding of the performance parameters of AFFF was necessary in order to reach a consensus on any change in hose team manning. The objectives of this paper are twofold: 1. Review historical test data applicable to AFFF systems on helo decks aboard surface combatants (specifically DDG-51, CG-47, DD-963, and FFG-7 class ships), and 2. Quantify the fire fighting performance of those systems. The standard AFFF fire fighting system on helo decks consists of flush deck nozzles and hose lines.