- Author
- Altinakar, M. S. | Weatherill, A. | Nasch, P. H.
- Title
- Use of a Zone Model in Predicting Fire and Smoke Propagation in Tunnels.
- Coporate
- Bonnard and Gardell Ingenieurs-conseils SA, Lausanne
- Book or Conf
- BHR Group Vehicle Tunnels. Proceedings. 1997, 623-639 p., 1997
- Keywords
- zone models | tunnel fires | smoke movement | automobiles | railroads | CFAST
- Identifiers
- CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport); fire development and smoke propagation in vehicle or railroad tunnels; description of the modified code - TUFISI; firction losses along the tunnel; validation of the modified code using experimental data from tunnel fire tests; comparison with data from memorial tunnel tests; comparison with data from Ofenegg tunnel tests; model validation using the critical velocity concept