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American Petroleum Institute
Evaluation of Fire Fighting Foams as Fire Protection for Alcohol Containing Fuels. Final Report.
American Petroleum Inst., Washington, DC
API Publiction 2300, April 1985, 65 p.
foam extinguishing systems
This report covers the work conducted to evaluate fire fighting foams used as fire protection for alcohol-containing fuels. The actual field work was done over 18 months and was documented in three separate reports reports. These three reports were submitted to API to fulfill contract obligations. The three reports have been combined and edited to produce this final publication. The test method used in this test series was a compromise between fixed foam chamber and handline application. It is recognized that the "against-the-backboard" technique was developed for, and effectively demonstrates the favorable characteristics of protein based foams. To obtain a comparative evaluation of the various products, however, the Gasohol Task Force adopted this method to obtain reproducible and consistent results. Other test methods may lead to slightly different conclusions. A summary and conclusion for each generic foam concentrate tested during this research project follows.