- Author
- Kennett, S. R. | Gamble, G. I. | Suendermann, B.
- Title
- FIREMAID: Compartment Editor.
- Coporate
- Materials Research Laboratory, Ascot Valve, Australia
- Report
- MRL-GC-0046, 1993, 19 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- fire safety | ships | fire simulation | computer programs | fire fighting training
- Identifiers
- FIRE Management training AID (FIREMAID)
- Abstract
- This document forms the instruction manual for the compartment editor of the fire management training aid, called FIREMAID. FIREMAID is a graphics based, interactive ship fire fighting simulator, which can be based on a range of naval ships. The compartment editor enables the creation or alteration of ship description files as well as the development of scenarios for the fire simulation.