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Brannigan, F. L. | Corbett, G. P.
Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service. 4th (Fourth Edition).
Book or Conf
Building Construction for the Fire Service. 4th (Fourth) Edition, National Fire Protection Assoc., Boston, MA, 348 p., 2008
building construction | fire departments | fire fighters | extinction | flameproofing | construction | building codes | fire codes | fire protection | wooden structures | wood | timber | noncombustibles | fire resistance | occupants | fire hazards | building collapse | sprinkler systems | design applications
concepts of construction; methods and materials of construction, renovation and demolition; wood frame construction; heavy timber and mill construction; dinary construction; specific occupancy details and hazards; sprinkler system design occupancies; imperial and metric conversions; FESHE correlation guide
In 1971, Francis L. Brannigan created Building Construction for the Fire Service. His goal was to offer the most comprehensive building construction resource available to fire fighters in order to save fire fighter's lives. This book is the Fourth Edition of that groundbreaking resource. The Fourth Edition honors Frank Brannigan's legacy by continuing his passion for detail and extensive practical experience. His motto, "Know your buildings" impacts every aspect of this new edition. The Fourth Edition continues the Brannigan tradition of using plain language to deliver technical information about different building types and their unique hazards. It presents critical firefighting information in an easy-to-understand format and ensures that fire fighters have the knowledge they need before they step onto the fireground. The Fourth Edition is part of an integrated teaching and learning system that combines groundbreaking content with dynamic new features to support instructors and to help prepare students for the job. The Fourth Edition is a must read for fire fighters, prospective fire fighters, and fire science students. Chapters have been reorganized into three sections: the fundamentals of building construction, building types, and special hazards. The features found in the Fourth Edition will help readers take the next step in becoming outstanding fire fighters. These features include: Words from Brannigan -- Words of experience from a master. Tactical Considerations -- Important, life-saving tips designed to keep fire fighters safe. Now supported by instructor and student resources including: Instructor's ToolKit CD-ROM Student Workbook