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Nyren, K. | Winter, S.
Discharge of Condensed Sulfur Dioxide: A Field Test Study of the Source Behavior With Different Release Geometries.
National Defence Research Inst., Umea, Sweden
FOA Report E40028, March 1986, 71 p.
sulfor dioxide | turbulent jets | pressure vessels
The physical factors determining the mass flow rate, early dilution and the tendency to form ground deposits were studied by discharging condensed sulfur dioxide from a pressure vessel through a hole and a pipe respectively. The results indicate that ground deposits do not easily arise and that the liquid phase evaporates very quickly. In the pipe releases, the mass flow rate was strongly dependent on the thermodynamic state in the vessel. Already a moderate excess pressure (compared to the saturation pressure) in the vessel increased the mass flow rate markedly. A theoretical model for two-phase release through ducts which agreed well with the pipe tests is also presented. In the aperture releases two-phase phenomena did not affect the mass flow rate and thus the Bernoulli formula for incompressible outflow was valid. A substancial extra air entrainment occured near the exhaust opening because of the radial momentum produced by a vigorous flash.