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Aarre, T.
Influence of Measurement Technique on the Air-Void Structure of Hardened Concrete. Discussion by Ken Snyder.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 93, 512-514, 1996
concretes | air void system | air void spacing | building technology
The author proposes, and successfully demonstrates, that the results for air content and specific surface area (SSA) from an ASTM C 457 linear traverse performed on a thin section can differ from those performed on a polished plane section. The difference between thin section and plane surface air contents was quantified using a probability theory approach, and semi-quantiattive arguments were given to explain the difference for SSA results. However, the tabulated data suggest further study is needed. The discussion advances the author's work by addressing a minor error in the calculation, and by proposing an analytical approach for estimating the influence of measurement technique on the measured SSA value.