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Castro, N. S.
Test Procedure Development for Residential Dishwashers.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Appliance Engineer, Vol. 56, No. 8, 70-76, August 1999
Book or Conf
International Appliance Technical Conference, 50th Annual. Proceedings. Held in Cooperation With Purdue University. May 10-12, 1999, West Lafayette, IN, 320-331 p., 1999
dishwashers | appliances | energy factor | soil-sensing | stand-by power | test procedures
It has been recognized that the current Department of Energy (DOE) dishwasher test procedure is inadequate in testing soil sensing dishwashers. As a result, DOE proposed that NIST evaluate the dishwasher test procedure as a part of their Appliance Standards Program. This paper discusses proposed changes to this test procedure, including several alternative testing options that were analyzed, with the goal of obtaining reliable efficiency factors which consumers could use in making purchasing decisions. Results of studies, conducted to determine the effect of the proposed revisions on calculated energy factors, are presented. In particular, tests of a soil sensing dishwasherr, using the proposed test procedure and the current test procedure, are presented. Issues concerning manuufacturers and energy conservation groups are also discussed.