FireDOC Search

Wang, X.
Study of the Grade or the Classification Standard in Forest Fire Behavior.
Heilongjiang Forest Protection Institute, Harbin, Japan
Fire Safety Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, 12-18, March 1995
forest fires | fire bheavior | classifications | fire spread
ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH This article incidates the study of the grade or the classification standard of forest fire behavior suited to our country base on the test study of outdoors and indoors of forest fire behavior, and the result of observed study in actual fire site, and also consulted a great deal of foreign materials (U.S., Canada, Pre-Soviet,Australia). Scientific principles and practical principles of the grade or the classification standard are fully considered while enacting the standard. The article also lists the grade tables of fire spread speed and fire intensity, the comprehensive classification table of forest fire behavior.