FireDOC Search

Wighus, R.
Production of Soot and Toxic Gases in Enclosed Hydrocarbon Pool Fires.
SINTEF, Trandheim, Norway
STF25 A91006, February 18, 1991, 56 p.
soot | toxic gases | pool fires | hydrocarbons | experiments | ventilation | data analysis
The production of soot particles and gas components in enclosed hydrocarbon pool fires has been studied. The main experiments were performed in an enclosure 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 5 m, with forced and fire induced ventilation. Other parameters which have been varied, are fuel type, fuel preheat temperature and two types of object configurations above the pool fire. The rate of soot production is given in terms of soot/fuel ratio, and graphs of soot/fuel ratio versus air/fuel ratio are presented. The functions of the production of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, as well as the reduced concentration of oxygen, with respect to the air/fuel ratio for over ventilated fires, are also presented.