- Author
- Li, Z. S. | Li, B. | Sun, Z. W. | Bai, X. S. | Alden, M.
- Title
- Turbulence and Combustion Interaction: High Resolution Local Flame Front Structure Visualization Using Simultaneous Single-Shot PLIF Imaging of CH, OH and CH2O in a Piloted Premixed Jet Flame.
- Coporate
- Lund Univ., Sweden
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 6, 1087-1096, June 2010
- Keywords
- jet flames | premixed flames | turbulence | combustion | flame fronts | flame structure | visualization | pilot flames | reaction kinetics | turbulent flames | flame extinguishment | ignition | laminar flames | formaldehyde
- Identifiers
- Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF); turbulent premixed methane/air jet flames; flame parameters at different conditions