- Author
- Lucas, D. | Peterson, R. | Hurlbut, F. C. | Oppenheim, A. K.
- Title
- Effects of Transient Combustion Phenomena on Molecular Beam Sampling.
- Coporate
- California Univ., Berkeley
- Sponsor
- Department of Energy, Washington, DC
- Report
- WSS/CI 83-24; LBL Report No. 15799,
- Contract
- DE-AC-03-76SF00098
- Book or Conf
- Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Spring Meeting, 1983. April 11-12, 1983, Pasadena, CA, 28 p., 1983
- Keywords
- combustion | source temperature
- Abstract
- The measurement of transient events with a molecular beam mass spectrometer is often difficult due to the rapid and large changes in temperature, pressure, and chemical composition encountered in a reacting mixture during combustion processes. We are studying how results arising from varying the source parameters under steady-state conditions can be used in interpreting data from a flash-initiated combustion mixture. Time of arrival curves from heated argon beams are measured and compared to curves calculated using an algorithm based on a physical modeling of the time-of-flight process. Results indicate that the source temperature determines the peak arrival time, and that the beam half-width is essentially constant during a typical combustion event. These results are then applied to a reacting H2/O2/NO2/Ar system.