FireDOC Search

Mitchell, N. D. | Bender, E. W. | Ryan, J. V.
Fire Resistance of Shutters for Moving-Stairway Openings.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
BMS 129, March 1, 1952, 11 p.
shutters | stairways | fire resistance tests | fire endurance tests | installation
The results of one exploratory and two full-scale fire-endurance tests on flexible rolling shutters for closing moving-stairway openings are given. The test specimens in the latter two tests included the balustrading of a normal installation. The shutters were made of galvanized steel slats moving on rollers and were of the same design in all the tests. The shutters could be operated by hand or by power drive. The results of the fire-endurance tests indicated that the first full-scale installation design was not satisfactory because of distoritons due to differential expansion of the guide rails and other structural parts. The second design, with modifications to provide for the expansion of structural parts without undue distortion, provided adequate for 3-hr fire resistance.