- Author
- Science and Technology Corp.
- Coporate
- Science and Technology Corp., Hampton, VA
- Report
- AMCPM-SMK-CT-001-89,
- Contract
- DAAA-15-86-C-0021
- Book or Conf
- Science and Technology Corp. Proceedings of the Smoke/Obscurants Symposium 13. Volume 2. April 25-27, 1989, Laurel, MD, Farmer, W. M.; Klimek, W., Editors, 250 p., 1989
- Keywords
- smoke | sensors | nuclear winter | injection | research facilities | carbon monoxide | fuel fires | plumes | solar radiation | nuclear weapons | forest fires | optical measuring instruments
- Abstract
- This report consists of 56 papers in Volumes 1 and 2 which, with the five papers of AMCPM-SMK-CT-002-89 (Confidential Section) and the nine papers of AMCPM-SMK-CT-003-89 (Secret NoForn Section) comprise the Proceedings of the Smoke/Obscurants Symposium, 13. Papers in this Section fall into the following subject areas: A/E. Smoke Material/Effects of Smokes/Obscurants on Health or the Environment; B. Smoke Effects on Electro-Optical Systems; C. Natural Obscurants; D. Operational Uses of Smoke/Obscurants; and Posters.