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Kurihara, T. Y. | Kaetzel, L. J.
Computer Integrated Knowledge System (CIKS) for Construction Materials, Components, and Systems: Proposed Framework.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 6071, September 1997, 50 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
computers | construction materials | knowledge system | computer integrated knowledge system | ontology | framework
Developing a proposed framework for a Computer Integrated Knowledge System (CIKS) for construction materials, components and systems requires a practical approach in order to be utilized by the building materials industry. The need for practicality has driven the design of the framework to include many commercial technologies, as well as research results where feasible. This report presents the framework from the external, management, and operational views, followed by a conceptual representation discussion in Appendix A. The external view includes the partners, user interface, and network. The management view addresses the application, data, and knowledge management. These views are followed by an operational view, which includes a pilot system, menu of options, and development phases, which outlines the steps for building an example of the framework. Appendix B contains a discussion on the CIKS coating partnership for highway structure. Appendix C, a glossary, concludes the report.