- Author
- Willis, J. | Brooks, D. | Bumpers, V. | Jones, R. | Kelly, T.
- Title
- Emergency Alarm Systems: Improved Emergency Alarm/Response System. Final Report. February 4, 1985-February 4, 1986.
- Coporate
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Sponsor
- Urban Mass Transportation Admin., Washington, DC
- Report
- UMTA-TX-06-0042-86-1, January 1986, 132 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- UMTA-TX-06-0042
- Keywords
- warning systems | transportation | emergencies | false alarms | fire alarm systems | response time | alarm responses
- Identifiers
- malfunctions; misuse of the alarm system; alarm system training
- Abstract
- The report provides a perspective on emergency alarms as used by transit properties in general. It describes the range of problems involving the use of alarm systems and further addresses the methods and forms of procedures to help remedy the problem of alarm misuse. It examines transit security problems relating to emergency alarms, including false alarms, malfunctions, misuse of the alarm system and alarm system training.