- Author
- Smart, J. | Lu, G. | Yan, Y. | Riley, G.
- Title
- Characterisation of an Oxy-Coal Flame Through Digital Imaging.
- Coporate
- RWE npower plc, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 6PB, UK Kent Univ., Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NT, UK
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 6, 1132-1139, June 2010
- Keywords
- coal | fuel | combustion | image processing | cameras | experiments | flame research | flue gas | oxygen | methodology | test facilities | flame temperature | temperature | flame stability | temperature profiles | carbon dioxide
- Identifiers
- impact of oxy-fuel combustion on flame characteristics; digital imaging and image processing techniques; vision-based flame monitoring system; 0.5 MWth coal combustion test facility; flame monitoring; reproducibility test (*: standard deviation); proximate and ultimate analyses of coals (as received and averaged); test conditions for the Russian coal; test conditions for the South African coal; flue gas recycle