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Fattal, S. G. | Todd, D. R.
Ultimate Strength of Masonry Shear Walls: Predictions VS Test Results.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 4633, October 1991, 46 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
masonry | predicted strength | walls | reinforced walls | shear strength | shear walls | test strewngth | ultimate load | shear stress
This study compares the ability of four different equations to predict the ultimate shear stress in masonry walls failing in shear. Experimental data on fully-grouted reinforced shear walls from four different sources are compared with the predictions from the four equations. Wall characteristics from 62 test specimens were used as input to the four predictive equations. The ultimate strength predictions were then compared to the actual measured strength of the 62 test walls. Two of the equations (the existing Uniform Building Code equation for shear strength of masonry walls and the Architectural Institute of Japan's equation for predicting the shear strength of reinforced concrete shear walls) were found to be inadequate for the prediction of ultimate shear strength of masonry walls. An equation proposed by Shing et al. was found to predict shear strength well for only limited ranges of variables, primarily because excessive weight is given to the contributions of horizontal reinforcement to strength. An equation proposed by Matsumura was found to be the best predictor of the four equations examined, but it lacks the consistency needed to use it as a basis for design. The conclusions drawn from the present study indicate the possibility of developing reliable predictive formulations using both rational analysis and an empirical approach.