- Author
- Manzello, S. L. | Cleary, T. G. | Shields, J. R. | Yang, J. C.
- Title
- Ignition of Vegetation and Mulch by Firebrands in Wildland/Urban Interface (WUI) Fires.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Book or Conf
- Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Technical Meeting, 2005. Proceedings. Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. November 13-15, 2005, Orlando, FL, 22-22 p., 2005
- Keywords
- combustion | ignition | urban/wildland interface | fire brands | fuels
- Abstract
- Firebrands or embers are produced as trees and structures burn in wildland/urban interface (WUI) fires. Hot firebrands ultimately come to rest and may ignite fuels far removed from the fire, resulting in fire spread. It is believed that firebrand showers created in WUI fires may ignite vegetation and mulch located near homes and structures. This, in turn, may lead to ignition of homes and structures due to burning vegetation and mulch. Understanding these ignition events due to firebrands are important to mitigate fire spread in communities.