- Author
- Lei, A. M. Y. | Chou, S. | Ho, M. C.
- Title
- Experimental Study on Fire Scenarios of Place of Entertainment in Taiwan-Full Scale KTV Room Fire Tests.
- Coporate
- Architecture and Building Research Inst., Taiwan Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Taiwan
- Book or Conf
- Applications of Fire Safety Engineering. Symposium for '97 FORUM. Proceedings. FORUM for International Cooperation on Fire Research, Tianjin Fire Research Inst. and Shanghai Yatai Fire Engineering Co., Ltd. October 6-7, 1997, Tianjin, China, 13-23 p., 1997
- Keywords
- fire safety | safety engineering | fire research | scenarios | room fires | fire tests | ignition source | smoke | temperature | radiant flux profile | interior finishes | egress | fire risk | flashover
- Identifiers
- karaoke television (KTV, singing accompanied by television orchestra); smoke development; gas concentrations; description of finishing and furnishing materials of experiments rooms